STILL ALIVE pictorico gallery 2019
花の終わりには様々なカタチがあります。 散る、落ちる、しぼむ、崩れる、舞う、零れる…
At the end of it’s life, a flower takes many appearances. Falling, deflating, dancing, spilling …
The lighted flowers, embossed in shadow.Sometimes, as they approach the boundary of life and death, flowers have a grotesque beauty.
Such beauty, only witnessed at the end of the flower’s life, is due to the nobility that exists as, courageously holding onto life, its form collapses closer to death, when, in a final expression of dignity, it succumbs to the ultimate dying moment.
2019ピクトリコショップ&ギャラリー表参道 Gallery2
PX3 2020 Nature/Flowers-Professional Bronze(銅賞)